Saturday, September 15, 2012

Yogyakarta palace

Yogyakarta palace was founded by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I post Giyanti Agreement in the year 1755. Location of this palace is reputedly a former pesanggarahan (such as health or villa palace) called Garjitawati.

Pesanggrahan rest is used for fleet remains the kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) to Imogiri. Other versions of the palace is the location of a spring, Umbul Pacethokan, who is in the middle of forest Beringan. Building a basic design and basic layout of the palace following landscape of the old city of Yogyakarta is completed between the years 1755-1756. Others in the building and then add the next Sultan of Yogyakarta. The form of the palace that is now largely the result of the restoration and the restoration undertaken by the Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII (in power 1921-1939). Palace is the official palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate until 1950 when the government of the State of the Republic of Indonesia made the Sultanate of Yogyakarta (together Kadipaten Paku Alaman) as a region has a special autonomy at the provincial, called Special Region of Yogyakarta. In addition to the palace of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Sultanate has at least two Ambar palace is Binangun health in the west of the city and Ambar Rukmo to the east of the city (a location at this time Ambarukmo).

This architecture is the palace of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I own, which is the founder of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. His expertise in the field of architecture valued by scientists Dutch nationality - Dr. Pigeund and Dr. Adam is considered as the "architect's brother Pakubuwono II Surakarta". Before the palace occupied Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengku Buwono I stayed at the Ambar Ketawang Pesanggrahan the region now include Gamping Sleman District.

Complex first start of the Main Palace Gapura Gladhag in the north to the south Plengkung Nirboyo. Parts of the palace of Yogyakarta's main north to south are: Gapura Gladag, Pangurakan nJawi or outside, and Pangurakan or in Lebet; Complex Alun-alun Lor (North) and Gedhe Mosque (Masjid Raya Kingdom); Pagelaran Complex, Complex Siti Hinggil Lor , Complex Kamandhungan Lor; Complex Sri Manganti; Complex Kedhaton; Complex Kamagangan; Complex Kamandhungan Kidul (South); Complex Siti Hinggil Kidul (now Hinggil Sasana); and Alun-alun Kidul and Plengkung Nirbaya known as Plengkung Gadhing.
Parts of the north with the south Kedhaton can be said symmetrical. Most of the buildings in the north complex Kedhaton facing the north and the south of the Complex Kedhaton facing south. In the area Kedhaton own most of the building facing east or west. However, there is the building facing toward the other.
In addition to parts of the main north-south pivot palace also has the other part. Sections are Pracimosono Complex, Complex Wijayan Roto, Kilen palace complex, Kompleks Taman Sari, and Putra Mahkota Palace Complex (initially Sawojajar then nDalem Mangkubumen). Around the palace and in it there is a defense system consisting of a wall or walls Cepuri and Baluwerti. Outside the walls there are several buildings associated with the palace, among other Tugu Pal White, Gedhong Krapyak, nDalem Kepatihan (Palace of the Prime Minister), and Beringharjo market.

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