Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lawang Sewu

Stand firmly and precisely in the area haunted youth center monument Semarang City, Lawang Sewu during the last few years, this issue is a lot of pro-contra, especially regarding the aspects of usage.

Although the building is currently more widely used to train the office of PT and had also used as offices and the Department of Transportation Agency office Facility Military Region command (Kodam IV or Diponegoro), the ancient buildings eksotisme able to provided evidence that Lawang Sewu as tourism area number one.

Towards the era of reform, in which the strength of the New Order government mencengkeram still strong, the building had become Lawang Sewu news Cendana family would be purchased and will be replaced five-star hotel. If it fails to be the era of reform, to be sure the building Lawang Sewu so that historical changes have now become a form of business areas that are only fun the capitalist. Why are tourists so it's back and have a strong desire to see Lawang Sewu's close? One reason, perhaps the building that has a unique architecture save this magical power of a thousand ghost.

This can be understood, because in the first period of war, involving Force Youth Rail (youths Semarang) against the troops of the Japanese Kido Buati, building a place Lawang Sewu torture and slaughter. Not clear how many lives have been cut, but the amount could be reached thousands.

The many victims of that be at that time, Lawang Sewu now also get the nickname as the tour Horror. Tense at the same time diverting. Paranormal Dozens of different corners of the country also had to make this place as a ghost hunting field.

Lawang Sewu-called because the building is typically magnificent building has a door or gate of a thousand or Sewu.

Semarang City Government has entered Lawang Sewu as one of 102 ancient or historic buildings that must protected. Morphology according to rules of architecture building corner, Lawang Sewu have a beautiful model ghotic twin towers located on the right side and left the main gate.

A note from history, Lawang Sewu plateau, which is always on the tourist holiday season, the first built in 1903 and inaugurated on July 1 of 1907. Obsolescence Lawang Sewu now no less interesting from the Church Belenduk so fenomenal and stand firmly in the Old City of Semarang.

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