Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

The idea of ​​building a miniature Indonesia with all its load of completeness it is triggered by the First Lady, Siti Hartinah, better known as Ibu Tien Soeharto. The idea was sparked at a meeting at the Jalan Cendana no. 8 Jakarta on March 13, 1970.
Through miniature is expected to generate a sense of pride and a sense of patriotism in the people of Indonesia. So began a project called Project Thumbnail Indonesia "Indonesia Indah", implemented by the Harapan Kita Foundation.

TMII was built in 1972 and inaugurated on 20 April 1975. Various aspects of the natural and cultural wealth of Indonesia through the utilization of modern technology on display in the area of ​​150 hectares.

TMII have a logo which consists essentially of two letters I and I. These two letters represent the name "Indonesia Indah", while the form of puppet mascot Hanuman called Nitra (Anjani Putra). Mascot Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah" was inaugurated by Mrs. Tien Soeharto, to coincide with the bi tiger TMII age, in 1991.

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